Bibliography Parents not getting kids vaccinated CP Doctors Nurses Fox News Poll Pregnant Mothers Harvard survey Shepard Smith MSNBC Thimerosal Untested Massachusetts Forced Vaccinations & Quarantine The Bill: Arkansas Forced Vaccinations Other 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda Blaylock Tenpenny Adams Laibow
correct, or even worse you may get MS or Gullian Barre syndrome…horrid illnesses…check Dr Mercola on google, he gives a list of measures, including supplements to take if forced to take the ‘toxic vaccine’ you may be exempt if you get a note from your doc saying you are allergic to eggs (as vaccine made in eggs)not certain will work, but worth a shot..
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS will result in aspartame being added to food as an additive, unseen, without needing to be labelled …CODEX=food genocide..fucking b’stard elite illuminati= K-illuminati!!
you know what i like your answer. sorry man i had to test your armor it looks like it would hold up aginst an attack. i just cant stand people that get all there info from alex when i contiously know he sales half truths
KNOW what you mean, Alex does ramp up the scare factor that he doesnt give the rational amongst us the respect we deserve ..but at end of day the sheeple wont listen whether you say it rationally or like Alex…you cant win…
This is fucked up, that section shit you talked about, just shows that we can easily get our rights taken away with people not doing much to fight this bullshit, except for protest no one cares about.
It’s the people getting the vaccine that are spreading the swine flu, they put the flu in the vaccine, it’s the only thing keeping this flu going.
you sir are an idiot. come back when you know how vaccines work!
Shit, and codex is only weeks away from the beginning stage of implementation!
Too many sheeple are sleeping comfy, this country is screwed.
i was making a guess about the pandemic start date, i reckon Dec may be more accurate..see simpsons code (bizarre but hes onto something!) when the Copenhagen agreement is signed Dec we are effectively in dictatorship…Codex also makes irridation of all foods compulsory, without labelling this on label, this is DANGEROUS…studies show that indian children fed irridiated foods showed signs of cancer/mutations after just a few wks..studies had to be stopped..the more you look into worse it gets.
Exactly and then those additional cases are used to spread more panic and herd the masses toward more vaccination with calm authoritarian denial and media blackouts..Well planned simple.
got a minute? let me know on my channel. having pm glitches.
This is how the media affects our lives!!! The entire population in the US ( 304,059,724 – Jul 2008) will have the opportunity to get two doses of the H1N1 VACCINE!!! While other countries don’t even have enough for their children! Please people stop over reacting and start being glad to live in this country. In my country Peru, only 7 million doses will be available for around 28 million people.
Do you think that scientists want to kill you? Well, life is not perfect so there might be people facing bad side effects and sometimes even death; but the number of people dying is so low that there is a bigger risk when not taking the vaccine. Life is about taking risks and making the right decisions! If you think you can handle getting the virus then just dont get the vaccine; but stop overreacting to this issue to increase their TV ratings( or increase POPULARITY ON YOUTUBE;)Go get Educated
Avoid vaccines, they contain aluminum, mercury, aspartame/formaldehyde, squalene, mutagens like sv40 etc that cause diseases like lupus, arthritis, Gulf War Syndrome, Zombie/Sheeple/Victim Syndrome, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, allergies, asthma, cancer, ADD/autism etc. The genocidal WHO that pushed the h1n1 shot should have promoted gardening, vitamin D3, garlic, silver products etc. to oust za vampires & verevolves!
i dont put unneeded needles in my body
The US website, VAERS has published statistics on ONLY ONE (1) of the H1N1(swine flu) vaccines:
Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine
As of Feb.26, 2010:
10,172 reports
636 classified as “Serious Health Events” –defined as “life-threatening or death, major disability, abnormal conditions at birth, hospitalization, or extension of existing hospitalization”
51 US deaths,
all “under investigation”.
500+ reports come to VAERS each week of reactions to this vaccine.
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is a US website for reporting adverse reactions to vaccines. Here are the people who make reports to VAERS:
vaccine manufacturers 37%
healthcare providers 36%
state immunization programs 10%
recipient or parent/guardian 7%
Baxter Corp had the patent on the H1N1 more than a year ago.
The outbreak of this H1N1–aka”swine flu” &aka “birdflu666” happened near Mexico City. Baxter has a manufacturing plant near Cuernavaca, Mexico.
Despite all this, Baxter Corp was awarded the contract to make the flu vaccines for us.
And thanks to the Public Readiness Preparedness Act, Section (b)(1), all swine flu vaccine manufacturers will have complete legal immunity from prosecution or lawsuits.
Baxter Corp had 2 notable “accidents” in 2009.
-Feb, ’09 – Baxter sent 72 kilos of contaminated vaccine to 16 labs in 4 countries, which was “accidentally” contaminated with DEADLY LIVE H5N1 BIRD FLU VIRUS.
It was discovered before it was released to the public, narrowly averting a deadly epidemic.
-April, ’09 – A container of this deadly mixture “exploded” aboard a train in Switzerland, headed for Geneva.
It violates International law to transport hazardous products in this way.
Baxter International Corporation holds the patent on the H1N1 vaccine.
MedImmune, maker of FluMist (the live virus vaccine), holds the patent on the H1N1 virus.
continued from above ^
..”Refusing a WHO-mandated vaccination has been criminalized. Police can, therefore, use deadly force against ‘criminal suspects’ refusing these vaccines.”
Jane Burgermeister
w w w. t h e f l u c a s e. c o m
“According to the International Health Regulations of 2005, which has been incorporated into legislation, also in the International Partnership on Avian Influenza, of the USA and other countries’ national Pandemic plans, the WHO and the UN BECOME THE CONTROLLING AGENCIES OF THE USA, in the event of a declared Level 6 Pandemic, & ARE ENTITLED TO CONTROL OF THIS COUNTRY UNDER MARTIAL LAW, with obvious implications for all of the above, under the pretext of – *fighting a Pandemic emergency*.”
The US website, VAERS has published adverse reactions statistics on ONLY ONE (1) of the swine flu vaccines:
Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine
As of Feb.26, 2010:
10,172 reports
636 classified as “Serious Health Events” – “life-threatening or resulting in death, abnormal conditions at birth, hospitalization, or extension of existing hospitalization”
51 US deaths
500+ reports come to VAERS each week of adverse reactions to this vaccine
14 of the 28 flu vaccines (“swine” & “seasonal”) that they are pushing on us contain the mercury-compound, Thimerosal. Have you taken any of these flu vaccines?
Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine
(made by 5 different manufacturers)
All of these flu vaccines contain the mercury-compound, Thimerosal, which has been BANNED in Russia, Japan, all the Scandinavian countries, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
The season is over with hundreds of millions vaccinated worldwide and no safety signals were detected. All of you anti-vaccine nuts are off your wagon and did real harm duing the season by spreading unscientific propaganda.
Epic Fail and you are the one with blood on your hands you coward!