Vlog 14: Rose Rock and Improv

We talk a little about the Rose Rock situation and then I show you some clips of me doing improv. The first improv clip is from a “See Dick Run” show from about a year ago. This is a game called Good Cop, Bad Cop. It is one of my favorite games because I get to be very physical (Not that is anything new) on stage. We get an appliance from the audience and then we have the unsuspecting home owner call the repair men who used to be on the police force. Then the two repair men do the whole “Good Cop, Bad Cop” routine to try and figure out what happened to the appliance. The second is a game called Party Quirks. The host of the party (In this case it is the big guy in the white shirt. His name is Johnny Buschardt and he is a phenomenal improv performer) leave the stage area and go somewhere were he can’t here what is going on. Then we get “Quirks” from the audience for the three remaining characters. This could be a celebrity, a physical disability, an accent, someone caught inside of a heroic situation and has to perform this heroic feat over and over and over, ETC. So it really could be anything. Then the host returns and we come in one by one and by dropping clues we have to reveal what our quirk is. The game isn’t over until the host guesses correctly what the quirks are. My quirk was anytime anybody on the stage or in the audience said “Penguin” I had went into spasms. Thank you all for watching and I hope that you have a great weekend! Also, the Questions Answered



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