Visite: These shameful and inexcusable scenes show a war hero who served his country in Iraq and Afghanistan fearing for his life amid a violent and unprovoked assault by police. Lance Corporal Mark Aspinall highly praised by his commanding officer for bravery against the Taliban in Afghanistan was set upon by three uniformed officers on his home town High Street.
this audio is NOT the original.. this guy’s name was not Mark it was Aaron… a jewish immigrant that was wanted for sexual assault. Check the original version from ITN.
If i seen that happ to a fellow solider they 3 would not be breathing police officers or not.
Mind not all police are like they 3 ppl not all are bad
keep that in mind.
shour of dirt!
If a soldier did this on camera to a civilan on tour,
it would be all over the news papers as well as the national news programes.
Why is it the police seems to be above the law?
Instead of serving hte law and the people.
Just one of things that need changing about this country.
If some drunk piss head came up to me mouthing off and bit my leg……….ID WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FUCKING FACE!
The police on Britain are bastards who have lost the publics support through lazyness, lack of professionalism and speed camera’s. Fuck them.
The police do wrong and deny it because they know that there will be judges in court that will side with them, I am a victim my self so I know that for a fact, I was oppressed by the authorities in England who all acted illegally then hit by the police who accused me of hitting them, I was imprisoned and assaulted by prison guards on my first day and in other days, I received no compensation and continue to be treated by the authorities as if I am an outlaw.
who cares
1less muslim terrorist on UK´s streets
i really like the video
he ain’t muslim he’s english you def twat
He wasn’t muslim you douche
if i met a squaddie id take his/her fukin head off never mind scrape it! drunken lout not harshe enuff!
Hey mate if you were hard which your obviously not, you’d have a real profile which you dont, if you do get a real profile you should name it ” soft cunt “.
onto the video, coward bully cops as usual, they seriously need sacked and charged with assult
yes bikedemon99 cuz only hard ppl hav “real” profiles lol! wen did i say i was hard??? i deny it fully! im jus confused as to y its pointed out that he’s a “war hero”, wud it b ok for police to beat up a non war hero? lol i dnt c y his occupation is relevent! oh he was in the army woweeee,unfortunatly im not thick enuff 2 gt in2 the army! so police cum n get me,ill bet i put up more of a fight than that big baby lol
who are the real terrorist fucks!!
its the fucking white boys
@Riizzy1 fuck you muslim faggot
LOL so many whinging girls on here.
Get over it the guy was a dickhead and got abit of skin scraped off his face. Big deal.
fucke police
Yeah I’m sure you’d be saying that if it was you on the receiving end. Prat.
LOL what a pussy you must be.
Police need to pay for their crimes too! and they will. The truth always rises to the surface eventually. We are watchingggg!
police are just neds/chavs in disguise.
fucking pricks
stupid british bastards, thats why indians are going to take over england. fuck the british, the police and while im at it, pakestanis too.. England is a shit country
IndianSharma…. You’re a knob!!!! Why would Indians want to take over a country that is in your words shit? Go back to your own… we don’t need arseholes like you here!!!