This Was The Immigrant Parade In LA All These Immigrants Were Doing Were Waving Mexican Flags This Is Universal Human Right Number 7. We Are All Protected By The Law The Law Is The Same For Everyone It Must Treat Us All Fairly, Anybody See A Problem?
Don’t worry about the abuse of power by police. Their day is coming soon as well as others who have committed crimes against the people of this world! Write this down and refer to it later because you will remember the guy who told you this.. Sometime between now and 2010 there will be great turmoil and suffering in the billions and at that time the great awakening will occur! Wait and see!!!
fucking beaners deserve that shit i acually enjoyed watching this video fucking beaners dont even belong in the united states but at least every buisness has that eVerify bullshit so they wont take all of our jobs dude why the fuck do you have a video about america,, YOUR FUCKING BRITISH, post a video about cop crimes aginst brits wait nevermind cops dont have guns so thell just get knocked the fuck out
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA i just had to post another comment when i seen that little beaner get phucked up Aahjajaajjaaaaaaaaa
Well U Fucking Twat Almost Half The Jobs In America Immigrants Do Mexicans Dont Apply For Citizenship Because There Not Born There The Cant Go To Schools And Americas Taxes System Pulls Money Out Your Ass Mexicans Have The Right To Be Anywhere America Is A Shit Country With No Culture Besides “Aint And Yall” Stupid Americans Shouldnt Have Guns Any Way The Violent Murder Rate Is The Highest In The World In America
you can fucking lick my balls azdrifter.
You wait till they come for YOU. I can see it now, you will be on the floor licking their boots you pus.
YOU are part of the problem, YOU are freedom’s enemy.
My biggest problem with the protests of OUR government by the ILLEGAL Aliens, is that why did they FLEE their own country? This world is run by the NWO- Not America… We should ALL stand up to our OWN Countries- FTLOG, don’t come to the US and DEMAND “SPECIAL” rights b/c of your race, DEMAND EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL- ALL OVER THE WORLD. EQUAL RIGHTS does FUCKING NOT equal SPECIAL PRIVELEGES.
Do we know the dif. between a Right and a Privelege? I don’t think many do.
By what I see in the video is that the people who are just walking away are not messed with. However the others who go in front of the police and show persistance are pushed back. Also, I don’t think they were just waving a flag. They where probably causing trouble and problems.
And This Was Necessary 1:38, 2:57 And,3:03
Oh And Lets Not Forget 3:09
I looked up some more crap about this. I heard rocks and bottles were thrown at cars, officers, and apartments. The Innocent was hurt by the police but you can atleast understand the situation if you were in their shoes. You know, adrenaline rush and all that? Of course, racism did exist their, But it was not because of a flag so you say.
You faggots walk the fuking streets with bullshit mexican flags and thats gonna make us want to take you fuk faces into citizenship? you anchor assbags are illegal, your slut of a mother found a little hole in the fence and squirted you out. you goons arent making a difference in this country, your ruining it! get out of my country motherfukers
How Can You Be Like That Their Human Beings Like Us Just Looking For A Better Life
If you dont want a Cop to Abuse Power on you, just be nice to them, many people that gets stopped by driving to fast etc always says negative things, just talk nice to them and it will be alright!