context: This video has been made possible by an anonymous tourist and members of the Time’s Up! Environmental Group, Glass Bead Collective, and I-Witness Video. … nypd criticalmass police brutality misconduct petroleum oil bicyclists cycling environment green extreme sports
@Lion85 Ride a bike much? You have to lean in when turning. It’s Physics.
Cops in NYC stop bikers with significantly large back packs from entering crowds, when they have these critical mass rides..your obviously not from NYC, bike messengers, riders..etc can be the biggest dicks on wheels.. that being said the cop should have should a little more professionalism
your right, he leaned right in to that cop. Any normal person would have stopped to see what that cop wanted. He’s an officer of the law not a gang banger. clearly there is no room for him to turn into the direction of the cop, he could have easily continued on a straight path, so he see’s cop coming tucks his head and gets ready for greatest ride of his life…
That cop, Patrick Pogan. they got rid of him….
there are idiots on both sides. here it’s the non-cyclist
When I was a teenager, the LA cops would beat the shit out of random kids all the time. One time a 14 year old girl came with us to see a band in Long Beach and the cops beat the crap out of her. Back then kids would get beat up for looking “punk”. Nowadays soccer moms have haircuts that are way more “punk” than anything we had back in the day.
If you watch closely you’ll see he doesn’t turn into the cop he’s trying to avoid the drain! the cop doesnt signal to the guy to let him know he wants him to stop, just rams him off the bike! How would you feel if it was u on the bike?
That cop is simply dumb. (hey men, not all cops, that cop).
Whatever the case the cop didn’t have to fuckn throw the guy
so how long have you been legally blind?
cops are assholes
And they wonder why they get called Pigs.
From what I saw the cop was walking, the cyclist turned to the left to try to avoid hitting the idiot, then the cop ran infront of him and wiped him out.
why would a police officer think that it is ok to do that? What kind of culture permeates law enforcement in the US? I am sure if the video did not come out, the officer would not have been punished.
@bzzb0123…I grew up in Los Angeles in the late60’s & lived in L.A until 2002. I can’t tell the difference frm the cops & the criminals. They all do the same things. Kill innocent people, beat the crap out of innocent people, & rob innocent people. I hate all of the police angencies in southern california. They r nothing more than gang members. When cops die I laugh. I’ve seen cops do stuff like this& get away with it. If not for the video this citizen wood hv been screwed Far 2 common
When we as citizens see something like this. We do nothing because, in truth, we are afraid of the police. Think about any encounter with a cop that you have ever had, even a speeding ticket. What is the immediate response? Fear. They can do anything to you and get away with it. They can keep you in jail for 2 days with no charges. We live in a warped system when we are afraid of those who supposedly protect us.
what a looser (the cop)!
How is the cop loose?
He looked tight to me.
To anyone who thinks the police don’t do anything like this you are mistaken. I was in NYC about a week ago and had my wallet stolen in Penn station. When I reported it the police, they refused to take my statement. When I asked for their names and badge number the ranking officer placed me in handcuffs, took the bottle of wine I had with me and opened it. I was then held for over two hours so I would miss my train and then let go with a 25 dollar fine for consumption in public.
Just wanted to add this there were multiple people who witnessed the event, questioning the actions of the officer when he was arresting me… It’s good to see society has some balls left in them.
Thank you… Everyone thinks all cops are bad. All they see is videos and relate them all to every single cop in the US. Yes I agree there are a lot of BAD COPS out there that abuse their authority, but let’s not forget about the good ones out there.
fuck off loser
I thought this biker done something but I see this is about police state
if you look closely he has something on the bottom right side of him. it doesnt look very manly i’d say its another woman’s purse. he robbed it cop took him down