An El Monte, CA policeman is seen kicking a 23 yearl old in the head after a foot chase. The Police Chief then contradicts what is obvious in the video. The El Monte police has an infamous reputation for police brutality and lying in attempts to cover up undeniable abuse.
they would kick your stupid ass head in and they’d probably beat the shit out of you with their clubs and let their dogs bite your little dick off too! fuckin’ punk!
fuck this cholo fuck…this force was reasonable and justifiable. fuck aztlan too and all the mecha scum that are overdramatizing this incident.
Good. I am glad that faggot got kicked in the face. He is a douche bag. Running from the cops. Putting many lives in danger by driving the wrong way down the street. He could have easily crashed into a school bus killing kids or into a van with a mother taking her kids to a soccer game. That guy is a crazy fuck and needs to get the shit beat out of him. If you do not want to get your ass beat do not run from the cops. Simple. If you do not like it gtfo of america no one is asking you to stay.
damn he ran fast i think if there wasn’t a helicopter and that wall at the end he could have gotten away
fuck all u cowardly people u people woudnt say that to his face believe u woudnt fucking coward fuck the police i always write complains go to the station with badge numbers and it works those pigs get enough complain and it works
more like he kicked hi in his fuckin eye lol the dude didnt have his hand near his waist at all
thats just the way el monte police is
lendog07, u must be a typical red neck hill billy who justifies what the white race does in this country. U dont see latinos going to universities and shooting innocent people just cuz they think its right. but one thing is for sure, white is the minority not the majority. Thank you Obama, who finished the white chain, maybe next year an asian or mexican or any other ethnic person can show u that white is not the system anymore
stfu fat fuck..theres no justification to beating a defenseless person..he’s gona do time for his crime and thats how the system works..i hope your children get raped or molested by your own race and get away with it ..see how you like that coward.
get a life short dick man
I bet you’re one of those fat Mexicans who wears Affliction shirts even though you have Tig Ols and get an erection whenever you watch MMA. What a tool.
fuck the EMPD these muthafuckers think theyre hard cus they have a badge that shit wont save you from the hollow points
lol actually im Puerto rican..and im not even inbred redneck..i dont wear tap out or Affliction..i wear better gear from MMA wearhouse..I train and lift for real.And yea i love however go to family gathering to see how many numbers you can get and try and score with your own cousins..heck even your own sister got her nasty twat eaten by your bucktooth herpes infested cockholster.
the kid didnt have his/her arm under their chest.. rewind the arms and legs were spread out.
thats why i never feel sorry when i hear that a cop got smoked!
sadly i show no remorse when i see officers dying because its an american gestapo force. who the fuck is policing the corrupt police?
hiiii fiiive farva…. what douchebags
I really hope some big fat asshole of a lawyer takes them for every cent they have so the EMPD has to ride around on tricycles to catch suspects for all the inconvenience and money they have cost me – a law-abiding citizen. They impounded my car and refused to give it back without an ID. The ID, of course, that THEY also impounded but were too stupid to figure out that they needed to give back so I could retrieve my car. Cost me $500. Good luck to the plaintiff, hope he bankrupts EMPD.
And mind you, for the most part, I think morons who lead police on dangerous, high speed pursuits, should be kicked in the head. They’re complete scum and I have no sympathy for people like that.
Then there’s the El Monte PD. They’re the biggest scum of all. So if you were to ask me who I’d rather save from drowning: an El Monte police officer or a low-life gang member, I’d choose the gang member. More than likely, he’s more intelligent, too.
That police officer should get kicked in his fucking head!
El Monte PD are ASSHOLES! i lived there and was shoved and beaten for WAITING FOR A RIDE CAUSE IT WAS RAINING!
THE FACTS: Guys surrenders… Polices officers kick him in the head and give him serveral jabs to the kidney with a police baton…. WHAT THE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF? DONT HAVE ALL THE FACTS? ARE YOU RETARDED
i think is i was one of the cops, i would be pissed if i had to chase these guys all over the place and even through red lights.and risking my life and innocent padrestians. i think they had a sudden heat of passion