The officer who beat the woman got fired, but no charges were filed! There is a petition online to press charges against him, we need 2000 votes but only have 720. Please post this link next to the video so people can sign! After Angela Garbarino was arrested in Shreveport, Louisiana last November on suspicion of drunk driving, she wound up lying on the police station floor in a pool of her own blood with two black eyes, a broken nose, two broken …
I am a police officer and that officer was dead WRONG, very unprofessional. Not all of us cops are bad ya’ll, just like not all teachers, actors, singers, engineers, ect are GOOD.
FUCK! Why am I looking at this shit?!
She caused the whole thing to happen…she was also a hit and run..says a lot about her character.
That makes it OK for the their brutality?
when a teacher actor singer or engineer aren’t good at thier job it doesnt result in a beatin up female in cuffs, This cunt isnt just “bad at his job” he’s a thug peice of shit human being plain and simple, though i get what you’re tryin to say.. bad analogy
Welcome to USA !
this is bullshit
The cop should be in prison. I’m sure the inmates would be very….welcoming to him
Estupid , putana, and she was your sister.?One day you will suffer like she, i wait for that day.falk you beat
If she’s being verbal and turning violent he should had hog tied her, than everyone would be safe…..
If that woman has any male relatives they should track this dickless fool down and exact vengeance!
thats bull shit, not enough evidence LOL , I never hear them say that in court
I hate somthing like this whye did he turn the tape off ?!!
fuk the law period u piece of shit pussy pig all that to make up for a little cock
Do you know why im not worried anymore about what cops or anything with authority does? well when your in aouthority its sexual in every sense , this cop will die and his kids will die sorry but its the law.
lol she got her ass beat
why the fuck the judge never say “we dont have enough evidence to charge you” when i went to court for smoking weed….that bitch didnt get two black eyes by falling, thats the oldest lie in the book…”what happened to her officer”…”oh she fell” lol, the worst part is that he got away with it, just a slap on the hands and a “dont let people fall anymore”, fired…that fucker should rot in jail for being a women beater… fuckin redneck pigs
i can’t be a cop because i would get so mad at some ppl and BEAT THEM high 5 to the cop for beating the moron
This is not violation of human rights, when shit like this happens in america it’s easily justified and the make fools outta people by saying shit like “she fell” and i’m amazed that a lot of dumb fucking american’s will go ahead believe the shit they’re told without even thinking about it.
Now if in some other country shit like this goes on, the americans butt in, stick their noses into foreign affairs and make a big fucking deal about human rights
FUCK the american dream, if this is what it is
I wanna see that fucking pig get sentenced for unnecessary violence, assault and tempering of evidence.
But who the fuck cares, there must’ve been a big drama put up in the court to make fools outta dumb american fucks until everyone who gave a shit stopped giving a shit.
he’s not a cop he’s a criminal and a punk who needs to be sent to jail for life. Cops and other heros DO NOT hit women.
You are pathetic
His poor wife must suffer.
Dumb whore. Nice job shutting the camera off. I feel like beating the shit out of her also:)
Merry Xmas everyone!