4th of July – Clifton, NJ stadium – red glow (ufo?)

i went to see the fireworks display at the Clifton, NJ stadium. after the fireworks me and my friend were walking back away from the stadium, i looked into the sky and saw a glowing red light. it looked like a very bright planet Mars. the weather was overcast and raining lightly. no stars were visible. the reason i am sure this was not fireworks in the sky is because the red glowing light did not move at all. it remained stationary the whole time we observed it. we watched it for about 30 seconds trying to see what it was.. then i started to get my video camera out of the case.. by time i could get it in the view finder, it disappeared. i have a few seconds on tape but it’s just an out of focus red light in a black sky.. the whole thing lasted somewhere around a minute. this is the first anomaly i’ve ever seen in the sky. there were hundreds of people around that either did not see it or they did not care to look at it. i had my camera pointed at it but nobody seemed to notice. the light in the video is moving because i was not holding the cam steady.. the actual object did not move at all. the video plays once normal speed then in slow motion… all u can see is just a little glow. www.abovetopsecret.com