Radical Archive

خطب سماحة الدكتورعمرعبدالكافي من مسجد يوسف أهلي المزهر دبي His Eminence Dr Sheikh Omar Abdel Kafi Weekly Sermon from Yousef Aheli Mosque-Mizher-One Dubai Arabic learned volunteers are invited to BRIEF-TRANSLATE […]

Satanism Critical Anthology Anatomy of Radical Subculture فبعزتك لأغوينهم

خطب سماحة الدكتورعمرعبدالكافي من مسجد يوسف أهلي المزهر دبي His Eminence Dr Sheikh Omar Abdel Kafi Weekly Sermon from Yousef Aheli Mosque-Mizher-One Dubai Arabic learned volunteers are invited to BRIEF-TRANSLATE […]

Not long ago, I ran across an article on the web—an Associated Press release—that included the following passage (quoted verbatim): Elsewhere in the northwest, a car bomb exploded close to […]

Radical Islam Threatened by Hollywood

Not long ago, I ran across an article on the web—an Associated Press release—that included the following passage (quoted verbatim): Elsewhere in the northwest, a car bomb exploded close to […]