Inspector Archive

Scott Ritter was UN Chief Inspector of Weapons in Iraq, tells that the United Nations and United States knew all weapons of mass destruction (WMD) were destroyed by the summer […]

UN Chief Inspector US Marine Scott Ritter On Iraqi WMD Program WikiLeaks Is a Pawn

Scott Ritter was UN Chief Inspector of Weapons in Iraq, tells that the United Nations and United States knew all weapons of mass destruction (WMD) were destroyed by the summer […]

Inspector Hedorah and Destoroyah Ponton have brought Golza Bizu into the interrogation room, and Hedorah decides to use the “Good Cop, Bad Cop” routine on Golza Bizu. Audio is from […]

Inspector Jacques Hedorah: Good Cop, Bad Cop

Inspector Hedorah and Destoroyah Ponton have brought Golza Bizu into the interrogation room, and Hedorah decides to use the “Good Cop, Bad Cop” routine on Golza Bizu. Audio is from […]