Italian Anonymous

Message From Anonymous. TheAnonPress Facebook: Hello This Is A Message From Anonymous. A few hours ago, the Italian Postal Police announced complaints, arrests, and raids, against a number of members of Italian Anonymous. The media have spread the news that the entire Italian network of Anonymous has been dismantled and the leader of Italian Anonymous was arrested. Anonymous denies these media reports and reiterates that this is impossible: Anonymous has not been dismantled. Anonymous has no leaders, no structure. All Anonymous members operate at the same level. Those arrested are not “dangerous hackers”, as the media calls them, but people like you. They have been arrested while peacefully protesting for their rights and yours. Our protest will continue louder than ever. The Italian Anonymous have not fallen because of this cowardly attempt to dismantle them and announce consequences for the actions taken by the police, to demonstrate that Anonymous is present and fights, like it did in the past and will in the future, for the freedom of the Internet. Italy Anonymous calls all citizens of the Internet and the International Anonymous: we need you! Let them have it, stronger than ever. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forget. We do not Forgive. Expect Us.


